- How did you meet Launa? Hundred of guys are after her. 你如何追到罗拉?她有很多裙下之臣。
- How did you meet your wife?Was it a blind date? 你怎么认识你老婆的?
- As you meet the foreign cheat, how do you deal with? 当你遇到国外的骗子,你是怎么处理?
- Did you meet any frustration during primary and high school period? And how did you overcome it? 在中小学期间,是否遇到重大挫折以及如何克服?
- Did you meet any frustration during your undergraduate period? And how did you overcome it? 在硕士期间,是否遇到重大挫折以及如何克服?
- Did you meet any frustration during your working period? And how did you overcome it? 在工作期间,是否遇到重大挫折以及如何克服?
- Dicussion-what barriers do you meet in your HR work? And what most frustrate you. How do you handling it? 讨论。你在HR工作中遇到的最大的障碍是什么?哪一种最使你感到受挫折。你如何处理他们的?
- KS: how did you change your mind? how did you came up w/ such a precious thought? did you meet him? did he say something to you? 江石:你怎么改变主意的?这么宝贵的想法怎么来的?你见他了吗?他说了什么?
- How do you do, Prof. Wang? It's a pleasure to meet you. 您好,王教授。很荣幸认识您。
- How did you come by that scratch on your cheek? 你脸上的抓痕是怎么来的?
- How do you get start in that line of work? 你是怎么开始干那一行的?
- How do you explain this strange turn of events? 事情出现这种异常变化,你作何解释?
- How do you react to this modern artist's paintings? 你对这位现代艺术家的画有何评价?
- How do you steal a kiss from a girl like that? 你怎么赢得像那样了不起的女孩的吻的?
- Sue: Oh?And how did you meet? 哦,那么,你们是怎么认识的?
- How did you celebrate your wedding anniversary? 你是怎样庆祝结婚周年纪念日的?
- A: So how did you meet Linmin? 你是怎么认识林敏的?
- How did you get along in your driving test? 你的驾驶考试进展如何?
- How did you manage to steer by that difficult question? 你是怎样设法回避了那个棘手的问题的?
- Whom [Who]did you meet in the street yesterday? 昨天你在街上遇见了谁?